Lyrics by Lorenz Hart, music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics published on The Complete Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
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Published November 1943.
Introduced by Vivienne Segal and Dick Foran.

Tag: Friendship / Unrequited Love

You can count your friends 
On the fingers of your hand. 
If you're lucky, you have two. 
I have just two friends, 
That is all that I demand. 
Only two, just me and you. 
And a good friend heeds a friend 
When a good friend needs a friend. 
Can't you do a friend a favor? 
Can't you fall in love with me? 
Life alone can lose its flavor, 
You could make it sweet, you see! 
I'm the dish you ought to savor, 
Something warm and something new; 
I could do my friend a favor, 
I could fall in love with you. 

Can't you do a friend a favor?
Let us part the way we meet.
Life with you would have a flavor
Sweet at times , yet bittersweet.
I'm no dish you ought to savor.
Feast your eye on something new.
I will do my friend a favor:
I'll be just a friend to you.
Sheet music:


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